Monday, July 12, 2010

Caffeine Please.

Oh goodness some of these readings are difficult. Since the world refuses to exist with 50 hours in a day instead of 24, I'm now speed-reading through Wealth of Networks and supplemental articles online for our LIS 2000 essay due Wednesday...but I literally cannot read more than 10 minutes of Wealth before I start to fall asleep. I'm actually a little worried about how to shape up this essay. All three assigned books talked verrrry extensively about copyright and its history, laws, litigation, effects on society, etc. but the topic of the essay is the effects of copyright and intellectual property laws on library services, which the three books don't delve into to much. I've found a decent amount of supplemental articles that discuss the topic, but I'm hoping my essay is alright with citing the articles more than the actual books.

And now I'm digitally rambling. Back to work.

1 comment:

  1. If you're still working on Wealth, Heather, skip ahead to chapter 11. That's the one that is most directly relevant to the assignment. The other stuff is interesting, but you can always come back to it later.
